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Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that helps alleviate chronic pain by applying high intensity sound waves to targeted areas. The technique has been used for many years to treat various muscle and joint injuries such as tendinitis, bursitis, and even lower back pain. It works by stimulating the growth of new blood vessels within the area, which can increase the circulation of oxygen and nutrients, helping to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
During a session, the shockwaves are delivered through a hand-held device placed on the patient’s skin near the site of their injury or pain. These pulses travel through tissues until they reach the affected area and stimulate both nerve cells and collagen fibers, encouraging improved blood flow in order to reduce inflammation and improve mobility at the same time.
The process is relatively quick with patients usually receiving 3-5 short treatments over a period of weeks. This can make it suitable for those who want fast relief from their symptoms without having to go through lengthy treatments such as surgery or medication.
One of the main benefits of shockwave therapy is that it offers long term relief from chronic pain without any side effects associated with other invasive treatments. This means you don’t have to worry about taking additional medications or risking infection or further injury during certain surgical procedures. The other major advantage is that it is also an effective way of treating stubborn cases of tendinitis or bursitis which may not have responded well to standard physical therapies or medications prescribed by doctors.
The results are often visible quickly too with some patients noticing an improvement within 48 hours after treatment although this varies depending on individual conditions and circumstances. Shockwave therapy has also been found to be successful in treating persistent musculoskeletal injuries such as plantar fasciitis, calcific tendonitis and epicondylopathy (tennis elbow).
Reform Clinics offer access to some of the most advanced shockwave equipment available today as well as highly trained staff with extensive experience in delivering successful shockwave therapies for a wide range of conditions including chronic pain, tendon injuries and muscle sprains/strains. Their multidisciplinary team ensures you receive a comprehensive assessment before your treatment begins so you know what to expect throughout your journey towards recovery with them – ensuring safe and effective results every time.
We understand how tough it can be living with severe pain day after day which is why we believe it's important that people have access to successful relief methods like shockwave therapy in order for them to take back control over their lives again!
If you're looking for an effective solution for managing your chronic pain then why not contact Reform Clinics today ? Our team can provide expert advice regarding whether shockwave therapy could work for you – ultimately giving you more freedom from discomfort so you can get back to doing what makes you happy!